
The Farming Lifestyle
Kindness in the Cold Snap. Council Workers Come to the Rescue
Icebound, Council Workers and a local farmer come to help. With kindness and grit in equal measure.
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Hawthorn Hill Nature Diary
Nature Diary
Hawthorn Hill Nature Diary: February 2022
The ripple of birdsong has spread from the far valley and broken ac,ross the farm. If Spring moves at a walking pace then perhaps the birdsong walks with it. Where we are, with the farm backed up against the Hawthorn Hill, facing North, it sometimes walks a little slower still. Across the hill and down […]
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Winter’s Coming…
I love the frost and the snow. The clarity and crispness of the light seems a beautiful thing. What is to be done is clear, that it needs to be done pressing. It’s a clear, simple, uncomplicated and necessary world in the snow
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