Hawthorn Hill Nature Diary
Hawthorn Hill Nature Diary: July 2022
As July breaks across the farm the great untidyness takes hold. I live where the green tips of treetops meet across the greenstripe roads. The tangled unmown growth of the roadsides spills across ditches, through ramshackles fences past the field edge and the road. Pinks, purples, reds, blues, yellows. St Johns Wort, Thistle, Wild Raspberry. […]
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Farm Natury Diary: April 22
We wait. For the curve of a calf beneath it’s mother. For the nicker of a lamb behind the arching care of it’s mother. We wait for Swallow come and Cuckoo call. We wait for things to have be as they always have been.
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Nature Diary: February 2022
The ripple of birdsong has spread from the far valley and broken ac,ross the farm. If Spring moves at a walking pace then perhaps the birdsong walks with it. Where we are, with the farm backed up against the Hawthorn Hill, facing North, it sometimes walks a little slower still. Across the hill and down […]
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Nature Diary: Jan 22
Mature willow curl their gnarled way to the sky. They seem to grip the very air and twist themselves around it to grow.
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Nature Diary: December 2021
As I drive home hundreds of birds break across the darkening road. Twilight has softened their shapes. I cannot hear their sound. They have the feel of crows though. 400 at least, perhaps, as the moon picks out clouds and the shape of wings against the coal and blue sky. If I believed in god […]
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Nature Diary: Nov 21
Early morning. The valley gathers the skirts of mist about it, folds of it cloaking the further hills, the valley rift a dragons breath.
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Nature Diary: October 21
The month begins with the bee loud sound of the ivy. The day is bright. Warm for October. The ivy wrapped trees are covered in flowers.
Read MoreHawthorn Hill Farm Nature Diary: July 2021
The air shimmers with swallows and insects. The birds trace a path above me as my passing sends up insects for their hunt. The ash and sycamore trees creak
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