Free Food from Sligo Global Kitchen and Hawthorn Hill Farm

Sligo Global kitchen is a group of refugees, some in Direct Provision, who cook food, and share it with whoever turns up at their Global Feasts. You can’t cook in Direct Provision. You can’t work. Or study. So. What do you do? You open a Global kitchen that serves food for free to 300 people at a time. Once a month. In Sligo. With no charge. Food from Brazil, Syria, Nigeria, Poland, Gambia, Cameroon. Global Food.  We shared some of our produce with Sligo Global Kitchen – we brought a whole goat and a whole lamb – and they cooked up a West African feast to share with a packed out room in the Northside Resource Centre in Central Sligo. Interested? Check Global Kitchen’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for the next event.
Elvis Barbecues goat from Hawthorn Hill Farm

Prepared by Sidoni, Elvis and Mabel from West Africa, and others, we tucked into mountains of hot, spicy West African food. Families gathered, laughter ebbed and flowed through the room, people came, went, ate, shared,  connected, and, in some slow way become a little more part of each others story. I watched people dance, chat, laugh, as trays of spiced lamb and goat from our farm were laid out. Deep fried plantains, and pof pofs – the most delicious deep fried savoury donuts – came out of the kitchen by the warm and generous bowlful. Trays of rice and boiled cornmeal. Chilli oil so hot it could set fire to the paper plates. Barbecued goat by the plateful from Elvis the grillmaster outside.

Sidoni dishing out savoury pof pofs and fried plantain. I ate 12. Of each.

People return for seconds. For thirds. Plates heaving with steaming meat. The barbecue runs out, the stew and soup eaten. The last scraps and drops scraped from plates.  The last generous bowl of warm, deep fried pof pofs get delivered out by Sidoni.

A plate of food. A crowded room. The closeness of people. The noise and roar of a happy crowd, breaking bread, sharing food, space, smiles and experiences. So much begins with a plate of food. A hot pot of stew we gather around. Cooking together, eating together. We grow into each other. Friendships are made from the shared work and pleasure of food. It was something we were privileged to be a part of.

Sligo Global Kitchen prepare global feasts most months. They cook in the Model Gallery in Sligo and in the Northside Resource centre. They make great food, that’s free of charge (donations very, very welcome) and they will be cooking our rare breed lamb and goat again in the Model at Sligo, soon. Check them out on their Facebook for upcoming events.

And come along. Eat. Laugh. Share. Be full. Eat some more. And connect.

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